Tuesday, January 10, 2023

glock 46 release date

glock 46 release date

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Was the first to report the news: Glock has a new pistol ready that ditches the classic folding barrel locking system in favor of a rotating barrel. Here's what we know about it so far…

Glock 46 Release Date

Glock 46 Release Date

Deutsches Waffen Journal, one of Germany's most important arms magazines, first reported the news in its October 2017 issue, which is now available on all newsstands in Germany; while Recoilweb.com, a prominent American website, was the first to reveal it to the English-speaking public and gun enthusiasts in the United States.

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And this is important news, news that leaves a deep mark on the panorama of service and defense weapons: Glock Ges.M.b.H has a new pistol ready for 2017, and it is not the new Glock Gen5 pistols that we have already written about, but a new model under the Glock name 46.

Instead of jumping on the bandwagon like other sources on the internet, we waited a few days to get the facts straight. And now we can provide you with much more reliable information about.

Outwardly, the Glock 46 would appear to be a restyling of the classic Glock 19: same overall length (187 mm / 7.36 inches), same barrel (104 mm / 4 inches), same empty weight (600 grams / 21.16 ounces), same caliber and capacity (9x19mm, 15 rounds).

It also appears to include the same ambidextrous bolt release that was introduced in the new Glock Gen5 pistol, as well as an extended beaver that is an integral part of the frame rather than an interchangeable rear grip.

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Inside, though, the Glock 46 is a whole new ballgame: Browning's classic barrel-tilt locking system has been replaced with a swivel head system.

And we're not even talking about the conventional, proven twist-barrel system like the Slovak Grand Power pistols or other mass-produced pistols like the Beretta Cougar and Px4 Storm series, but a new system covered by at least one of the patents filed by Glock for this new gun .

The reason for this sudden and somewhat surprising change is actually quite simple: several police forces are different

Glock 46 Release Date

(The Länder) of Germany have already announced tenders and will conduct trials for replacement service pistols in the next few years. And of course Glock wants a piece of the pie.

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) is responsible for issuing and constantly updating some very specific general technical guidelines that all handguns submitted for testing by the German police must meet - in addition to the special requirements of each other application.

To date, not all Glock pistols meet these general technical guidelines, and none will meet both the technical guidelines and the specific requirements of all applications mentioned. Therefore, Glock could not participate in the upcoming tenders of the German police without the new Glock 46 - the brainchild of the genius engineer Friedrich Dechant, a retired major general of the Austrian army, who had a say in other successful projects in the past, such as the P80 pistol. (Glock 17) and the StG77 assault rifle (Steyr AUG).

There is currently no further information available to the general public about the new Glock 46 - nor is there a planned or potential commercial sale date; indeed, the Glock 46 may not even make it to the next show season. It's likely that we'll have to wait for the German police tenders to be completed before we can get a closer look, but...never say never and keep our fingers crossed! Die Polizei des Landes Sachsen-Anhalt führt gegenwärtig die Pistole Glock 46 als neue Dienstpistole ein. Mit deren Konstruktionsprinzip weicht Glock von seiner überlichen Modellinnie ab, erfült deruch aber die Vorgaben der maßgeblichen Technischen Richtlinie der deutschen Polizei.

Die Entscheidung des Innenministeriums zur Beschaffung der Glock 46 fell im January 2019. Sie löst die noch im Dienst befindliche SIG Sauer P6 ab. Der österreichische Hersteller erhielt im Zuge eines Vergabeverfahrens den Zuschlag zur Ausstattung der zukünftig knapp 6,400 Polizeibeamtinnen und -beamten mit der neuen Waffe.

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Die Erneuerung der Dienstpistolen in Sachsen-Anhalt geschach nicht nur wegen der veralteten Technik und dem damit verdundenen hohen logischen Ausführt zur Instandhaltung. Auch die Weiterentwicklungen im technologie und im taktischen Bereich sowie die keineswegs nur abstracteteroristische Gefahrenlage machten eine Anpassung der Ausrüstung und einen Wechsel der Bewaffnung erforderlich. An dem Testverfahren waren knapp 100 Experten aus dem Innenministerium und dem nachgeordneten Geschäftsbereich der Landespolizei beleicht. Besonderer Wert wurde bei der Auswahlentscheidung auf eine high Magazinkapitzät, ein gerichte gerige Gewicht, eine einfache and sichere Bedienung sowie ein auf die gäschäfte Handgröße des einbeckzeltennen Polizeff

Von ihrer Größe her eruittt die Glock 46 sächst an eine Glock 19 Generation 5. Wie auch diese ist sie für die im deutschen Polizeigebrauch über die über die im deutschen Polizeigebrauch über die caliber 9, 9 mm x neutschen LC Diamond like Carbon) sich durch austauschbare Griffrücken other Handgrößen anpassen. The magazine holder can also be umstecken auf die andere Waffenseite. Das Magazin fasst 15 Patronen und verfügt über einen gut sikbarren orangefarbenen Subringer. Und doch gibt es auf den ersten Blick Unterschiede festzustellen. Sofall bei der Glock 46 der lang nach hinten gezogene Griffsporn, die aufgesellschaften Handhabungsrillen vorne am Verschluss sowie eine drehbare Deckplatte hinten am Verschluss auf. In addition, sitzt am Griffstück hinter dem beidseitig bedienbaren Verschlussfanghebel auf der linken Waffenseite ein weiterer Hebel, nämich der Zerlegehebel. Und auch der relativ slimke und rotierende Lauf im Auswurffenster fällt auf.

Im Gegensatz zum sonst usual millionenfach proven Glock-Standard with Browning-Petter-SIG system and abkippendem Lauf verfügt die Glock 46 über einen Drehlaufverschluss. Dieser verriegelt über vier Verriegelungskämme seitlich im Verschluss. Diese Konstruktion – bei der Glock 46 von Friedrich Dechant entwickelt und patentiert – biete eine tiefe Laufseelenachse, was sich unteramer der Präzision zuträglich zeigt. Auch der Verschluss soll sich so in Grenzen halten, wozu auch die firmenseitige Optimierung von Verriegelungsfläche und Verschlussmaterial sollen sollen. Nach Angaben von Glock absolvierten drei Testwaffen bei der Zertifizierung each 10,000 shots höher geladener Behördenmunition. Dabei traten totals nur fünf Störungen und sonst keinerlei Auffälligkeiten wie Verschleiß oder gar Risse auf.

Glock 46 Release Date

Trotz des unterschichtechen Konstruktionprinzips folgt die Glock 46 einer ichtenchen Philosophie des Unternehmens: Sie kommt mit geschäftig eigenen Einzelteilen aus. 37 sind es bei diesem Modell, comparable Glock 19 Gen 5 braucht nur drei weniger.

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Dechants Drehlaufverschluss bietet dauber hinaus auch die Vorausetung dafür, dass sich die Glock 46 anders als die otheren Pistolenmodelle der Deutsch-Wagramer ohne Betätigung des Abzugs entspannen lässt, um sie war exemplification zzurlezeru Damit wiederum erfült die Glock 46 eine zentrale Vorgabe der Technischen Richtlinie "Pistole " des policezeitetechnischen Instituts der Hochschule der deutschen Polizei.

Verschluss der Glock 46 (below) um Vergleich zur Glock 19 Gen 5. Detlich sind die vier seitlichen Verriegelungskämme und die nach hinten herausgetretene Schlagbolzeneinheit zu erkennen (Photo: Jan-P. Weisswange)

Weicht der Zerlegevorgang des Modellls 46 davon ab. However, erweist er sich als relativ einfach: Magazin entnehmen, Sicherheitsüberprüfung überführen und Verschluss in offener Stellung hinten arretieren. Dann die Deckplatte hinten am Verschluss an der Handhabe im Uhrzeigersinn bis zum Schlag drehen. Now the Deckplate with the Schlagbolzeneinheit rund vier Millimeter hinten aus dem Verschluss heraus, bleibt aber unverlierbar mit ihm verbunden. Jetzt den Zerlegehebel nach unten drücken, den Verschlussfang lösen und den Verschluss bis zu einem pürbaren Anschlag kontrolliert nach vorne gleiten lassen. Der Verschluss lett sich dann seitlich vom Griffstück abkpen. Die Schließfeder dann wie gewohnt herausheben. Abschließend noch den Lauf an der Steuernocke drehen, bis die Verriegelungskämme aus den Schlitzen treten. Dann läßt er sich bis zum Schlag nach vorne führen und aus dem Verschluss nehmen. Die Waffe ist zerlegt.

Es sei an dieser Stelle angemerkt, dass Glock-Pistolen in Streit- und Sicherheitskräften weltweit (also in Germany) in Nutzung sind und sich dort niemand daran stört, die Waffe nach Sicherheitsüberprüfung durch Betsentätigen des Abzugsentätigen. Aber die Technische Richtlinie ist nun einmal für polizeiliche Beschaffungen in Deutschland maßgeblich.

Glock 19 X

ES&T Schoss die Glock 46 auf einem überdachten Schießstand – classic auf 25 Meter Präzision sowie schnellere Series auf kürzere Distanzen – for example Dot-Drills. Einige Serien erföltten auch onch Ziehen aus der geholsterten Waffe, beinde hier der der new Blackhawk T-Holster Level 3 zum Einsatz kam.

Die Waffe ließ sich Glock-typpisch gut handhaben und lag gut in der Hand. Über die Metallvisierung mit den drei nachtleuchtenden Punkten ließen sich die Ziele gut aufnehmen. Der TR-Abzug erwies sich trots seines höheren Abzuggewichtes und längeren Abzugsweges nach etwas Gewöhnung als relativ angehemen und der Trigger-Reset funktionite präckt. Glock könnte die Waffe freilich auch mit einem normalen Abzug ausliefern.

Glock 46 lag subjektiv gesehen etwas ruhiger im Schuss als eine comparable Glock 19 or P6. Das äußerte sich in schnellen und precisen Trefferbildern. Auf 25 Meter Disstanz ließ sich das Schwarze des DSB-Spiegels halten, ein ordentliches Ergebnis für eine Kompaktistole! A similar

Glock 46 Release Date

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glock 46 price

glock 46 price

Glock 46 Price - For a long time, the GLOCK G46 was well kept and could only be found at government tenders. For the first time, the Austrian manufacturer offers a pistol with a rotating barrel and a degassing system. We tested the new service pistol of the German state of Saxony-Anhalt. Read on to find out what it was like at the shooting range!

The G46 was GLOCK's answer to the technical requirements (TR) of the German police for service pistols. This, of course, comes a bit late, as most German federal states already purchased the new generation of service pistols some time ago. Nevertheless, GLOCK was able to score at least one point in the German state of Saxony-Anhalt (see our article). About 8,600 G46 pistols will be delivered there by 2021. Rumor has it that the police TR at the time was deliberately written to exclude a more internationally successful "class leader" from Austria.

Glock 46 Price

Glock 46 Price

The G46 also has cocking serrations at the front of the bolt and a bolt stop lever on the right side.

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One technical hurdle that GLOCK has yet to clear is that the gun can be disassembled without pulling the trigger. What experienced shooters do not lack after a security check must look different for the police. At least you can teach the training theory that the trigger is only used for shooting. This also explains the protruding mechanism on the back of the G46 slider, which caused a lot of rumors when the first images of the G46 circulated. Attention was quickly drawn to the fire switch, but the truth was a more obvious, if less emotional, deconstruction. Of course, the gun can be removed only after the shutter is slightly pulled back. At the same time, accidental cocking, for example, in a holster, is absolutely impossible. To lower the gun, you also need to press a small lever on the left side of the grip, which is how the manual safety is modeled on various internet forums.

A truly new place for a GLOCK can also be found by taking the gun apart. If all other pistols of the Austrian manufacturer work with the Browning-SIG-Peter lock, the G46 uses a rotating barrel. However, this has nothing to do with TU. According to GLOCK, this principle has been under consideration for some time because it allows for a shorter barrel axis. In the past, there were several manufacturers that tried the rotary system in their rifles, such as the B&T TSP, Colt All American, Beretta 8000 Cougar or the Mauser M2, which have now disappeared from the market. Currently, you can still find the Italian Beretta PX-4Storm and the Slovak Grand Power K100.

Compared to the G19 (left), it's easy to see how much lower the barrel axis can be when rotating.

Although ingenious inventor John Moses Browning patented the rotary pistol as early as 1897, the Roth-Styre 1907 was the first rotary-barrel pistol produced in "large" quantities. You can also find a partially preloaded trigger like a GLOCK there. Quite an interesting gun that impressively proves what was already possible at the time with much more limited production capabilities. The Roth-Styre gun inevitably comes full circle for Austria. By the way, rotary pistols are considered more accurate, since the barrel does not tilt and does not turn back, as in the Browning-SIG-Peter system, but only performs a rotational movement. The rotary locking system is said to be subject to heavy wear, especially if the locking surfaces or the corresponding material properties are not chosen correctly. According to the manufacturer, both the locking surfaces and the locking material are optimized. According to GLOCK, the Ulm Proof House certification showed that the three pistols, each loaded with 10,000 high-charge rounds, performed flawlessly and showed no abnormalities such as cracks, damage, or measurable wear (only 5 stops in total).

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A first-time shooter with the G46 probably won't be particularly impressed with its trigger quality. A look at the trigger clearly shows that we need a pull weight of about 137.56oz / 3900g and a trigger travel of about 0.59" / 15mm to break the trigger. But unfortunately the specs are for a trigger of about 104 oz / 2950g, with a trigger pull of at least 30N. According to TR, the trigger travel should be 0.39"-0.59" / 10-15mm, at least for the first shot. Since we are using current specs, we should also note that trigger runout must be at least 0.157"/4mm. It remains to be seen whether this will make it easier for the user to hit the target or handle the gun safely. The question is rhetorical for manufacturers or users, they should take it lightly. As an option, GLOCK offers the G46 with a trigger weight of 88.18 oz / 2.5 kg and a shortened trigger travel.

Although the GLOCK 46 looks a bit more complex, we made sure that it has as few separate parts as possible in keeping with the GLOCK philosophy. So the new brainchild of Deutsche-Wagram consists of 37 separate parts, that is, only 3 more than the G19. By the way, if you want to take a closer look at the G46 and its rotary system, you can take a closer look at the published patent EP 3179193A1. We determined 0.014"/0.36mm clearance for the firing pin striking the copper compression cylinder using a cam sensor provided by the Tribel Company, with almost perfectly concentric clearance. By the way, TR specifies a minimum value of 0.011"/0.3mm. with a maximum eccentricity of 0.007" / 0.2 mm.

However, the striker block cannot be fully extracted, and therefore lost. Of course, this maneuver can be performed only when the slide is open ...

Glock 46 Price

The size of the G46 is similar to the size of the G19, so the magazine holds 15 rounds. The handle is an instant eye-catcher thanks to its long spur. The highly wear-resistant nDLC (Diamond like Carbon) coating of the 5th generation standard is also available in this service version. Although the magazine release button is reversible for left-handed use, the bolt stop lever can be found on either side, just like the GLOCK Gen5 pistols. The 3.9” / 100mm long barrel features the new Glock Marksman Barrel (GMB) profile for improved accuracy. The warhead, seen in its distinctive spear shape prior to Gen4, has now given way to a rounded shape. Our test rifle came with fixed sights with luminescent dots.

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A view of the cam groove showing the trajectory of the cam movement. In addition, there is a feed ramp that provides a slight lift of cartridges from the magazine.

The striker is detailed. The current 5th generation round brawler can also be found here.

The first contact with the shooting range was on the GLOCK, the birthplace of the G46. After an invitation to Deutsch-Wagram, which began with a technical briefing, we got to the indoor shooting range. Here, we were able to shoot the G46 and G19 with plenty of RUAG Action 4 ammo. Indeed, the G46 seems to be a little more relaxed when shooting. The 0.9oz / 26g extra weight over the G19 is probably not the reason. Obviously, turning the barrel has a positive effect on shooting behavior. Back home, accuracy testing followed. Since the G46 is clearly a compact pistol, we chose a distance of 15 meters using a sandbag support for accuracy testing. This time 7 rounds were fired including 4 factory rounds and the gun was TR certified. With a diameter of 0.94”/24mm, the 94g RUAG Action 5 solid-ball cartridges had the best average score in two 5-round groups. Second place in the accuracy test remained in the same range, with the RUAG Action 4 and SeCa certified cartridges reaching 1.3" / 33mm groups. Next came the relatively light 89g Men Quick Defense 1.49" / 38mm, which with 511 J achieved the highest energy value of all tested cartridges. The average for all loads was 1.53"/39mm. We experienced no malfunctions with the G46, even with other dynamic drills.

GLOCK has spared no expense and effort in developing a pistol designed specifically for the TR-Guide – possibly unique and the only important one in Germany. The

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glock 46 for sale

glock 46 for sale

Glock 46 For Sale - Here's what you need to remember: The Glock 46 stands as a stark counter to those who say Glock can't innovate. Using a rotating barrel system and a redesigned striker system, the Glock 46 is a complete overhaul of the Glock design, different in almost every way.

Glock GmbH is criticized for being one of the least innovative companies in the firearms industry. The basic design of the Glock pistol has changed little from the original Gen 1 Glock: most of the changes over the generations are minor changes to the layout of the trigger and the addition of rails and other ergonomic features. This has led some to say that Glock can't innovate.

Glock 46 For Sale

Glock 46 For Sale

However, the Glock 46 stands in stark contrast to those who say so. Using a rotating barrel system and a redesigned striker system, the Glock 46 is a complete overhaul of the Glock design, different in almost every way.

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The rotating barrel likely makes the Glock 46 shoot smoother than its tilt-barreled counterparts. Other pistols with twist barrels, such as Beretta's Px4, Grand Power's K100, and Archon/Arsenal's Stryk B are all known for their pleasant recoil. It also offers some accuracy benefits. Glock's approach to the twist barrel addresses some of the concerns found in other twist barrel pistols, which can be difficult to cock. The Glock barrel appears to have two dowel pins on the barrel itself, unlike the Px4, which has a choke surface on the barrel itself. A change in the placement of the rotating parts may make the Glock 46 easier to field remove than its rotating barrel competition.

The striker has also been significantly redesigned, with a new backplate at the rear of the slide. Apparently, the striker can be removed from the pistol by rotating a lever on the backplate and pulling the mechanism out, eliminating the need to release the striker by pulling the trigger when disassembling the pistol. While many of Glock's competitors (including the H&K VP9 and Sig P320) have touted their ability to be disassembled without pulling the trigger, Glock finally seems to have gotten hold of one of its pistols to do so.

The Glock 46 also includes a manual safety, likely to meet department requirements, and a revised check. The safety is likely optional, as early Glock 46 prototypes appeared without it. 46 has a significantly extended tail, which will likely eliminate complaints of “glock bite” that some shooters experience with other Glock pistols. The rear strap system has been similarly revised to work with the new Beavertail.

With all its advanced features, the Glock 46 has been approved by only one agency, the Saxony-Anhalt state police, replacing the SIG P225. Other recent Glock users seem to have opted for more traditional Glocks. However, for future contracts, the modern Glock 46 could be Glock's answer to the increasingly competitive polymer pistol market.

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Charlie Gau studied political science and computer science at Grinnell College and is a frequent commentator on defense and national security issues. This article was first published several years ago. For a long time, the GLOCK G46 was a well-kept secret and could only be found in official tenders. For the first time, the Austrian manufacturer offers a pistol with a rotating barrel and decocking system. We tested the new service pistol of the German state police of Saxony-Anhalt. Read on to find out how it fared at the shooting range!

The G46 is GLOCK's answer to the technical requirements of the German police forces (TR) for a service pistol. Of course it comes a little late, as most of Germany's federal states have bought new generations of service pistols some time ago. However, GLOCK managed to score at least one point in the German state of Saxony-Anhalt (see our article). There, about 8,600 G46 pistols will be issued until 2021. Rumors persist that the police TR of that time was deliberately written in such a way that the internationally successful "class leader" from Austria had to stay out.

The wrap teeth in the front slide area as well as the slide stop lever on the right side can also be found on the G46.

Glock 46 For Sale

A key point in the technical requirements, where the GLOCK had so far failed, was the fact that the gun could be disassembled without pulling the trigger. What is not a big obstacle for experienced shooters after a security check, the police may look at it differently. At the very least, you can learn a training theory according to which the trigger is only used for shooting. It also accounts for the prominent mechanism on the rear of the G46 slide, which caused a lot of rumors when the first pictures of the G46 started circulating. The fire selector switch was immediately suggested, but the truth was a much more obvious, if less emotional, feature of the trim. Of course, the gun can only be cocked after the slide is pulled back a bit. Thus, an accidental squeeze, for example in a case, is absolutely impossible. To lower the gun, you also have to use a small lever on the left side of the grip, which is how the manual safety was designed on various internet forums.

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A new genuine GLOCK area can also be found inside when the gun is disassembled. While all other pistols from the Austrian manufacturer operate using the Browning-SIG-Peter locking system, the G46 is based on a twist barrel. However, this is not about the specifications of the technical requirements. According to GLOCK, this principle has been considered for a long time, as it allows for a low barrel axis. In the past, there were several manufacturers who tried the rotary system in their guns, such as B&T TSP, Colt All American, Beretta 8000 Cougar or Mauser M2, which have now disappeared from the market. Currently, the Italian Beretta PX-4Storm and Slovak Grand Power K100 can still be found.

Compared to the G19 (left), it's easy to see how much lower the barrel shaft can be lowered with the rotary action.

Although ingenious inventor John Moses Browning had patented a twist-action pistol as early as 1897, the Rothschild 1907 was the first revolver-barrel pistol produced in "mass" quantities. A partially preloaded trigger like the GLOCK can also be found there. A very interesting pistol that impressively demonstrates what was possible with much more limited manufacturing capabilities at the time. The Rothschild pistol inevitably closes the Austrian circle again. By the way, the twist action pistol is said to be more accurate because the barrel doesn't bend or recoil like the Browning-SIG-Peter system, it just rotates. Rotary locking systems are said to be subject to excessive wear, especially if the locking surfaces or related material properties are not properly selected. According to the manufacturer, both the sealing surfaces and the sealing material have been improved. According to GLOCK, certification by the Ulm Test House revealed that all three pistols, each loaded with 10,000 rounds of the heaviest rounds, showed no defects other than flawless cycling, e.g. cracks, damage or measurable wear (with a total of only 5 stops) .

Anyone shooting the G46 for the first time probably won't be particularly impressed with its trigger characteristics. A look at the TriggerScan clearly shows that we needed a pull weight of about 137.56 oz/3900g and trigger travel of about 0.59”/15mm to break the trigger. But unfortunately, that's what the technical requirements say, with a trigger resistance of at least 30N, which corresponds to a trigger pull weight of around 104oz/2950g. According to TR, trigger travel should also be between 0.39”-0.59”/10-15mm, at least for the first shot. Since we're currently on specs, it should also be noted that the trigger reset must be at least 0.157”/4mm. Whether this makes it easier for the user to hit the target or makes the pistol safer to use remains to be seen. A rather rhetorical question for manufacturers or users, who should just take it at face value. As an option, GLOCK also offers the G46 with a trigger pull weight of 88.18 oz/2.5 kg and a shorter trigger travel.

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Even if the GLOCK 46 looks a bit more complicated, care has been taken to manage as many individual parts as possible, in keeping with the GLOCK philosophy. So the last descendant of Deutsch-Wagram contains 37 individual segments and thus only 3 more than G19. By the way, if you want to go deeper with the G46 and its rotating system, you can take a closer look at the published patent EP 3179193A1. We determined an indentation of 0.014”/0.36mm for the shock stroke on a copper compression cylinder with a chamber gauge supplied by the Treble Company, which has an almost perfectly concentric indentation. from

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glock 46 cal

glock 46 cal

Glock 46 Cal - For a long time the GLOCK G46 was a well-kept secret and could only be found in government custody. The Austrian manufacturer offers for the first time a revolver with a rotating barrel and cocking system. We tested the new service pistol of the German state police of Saxony-Anhalt. Read on to find out how he behaved on the set!

The G46 is GLOCK's answer to the German police force's (TR) technical requirements for service pistols. It definitely comes a little late, because most of the German federal states have been supplied with a new generation of service pistols some time ago. Still, GLOCK managed to score at least one point in the German state of Saxony-Anhalt (see our article). About 8,600 G46 pistols will be delivered there by 2021. Rumor has it that the TR police at that time deliberately wrote so that the internationally successful "class leader" from Austria had to stay out.

Glock 46 Cal

Glock 46 Cal

The G46 may also have cocking notches in the front slide area and on the right side of the slide stop lever.

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One point of disagreement in the technical requirements that the GLOCK has failed so far is that the pistol could be disassembled without pulling the trigger. What is not a major shortcoming after a security check for experienced shooters is likely to be seen differently by the police. At the very least, you could teach a training doctrine where the trigger is only used to fire. This also explains the important mechanism behind the G46 slider that caused a lot of rumors when the first pictures of the G46 were circulated. A fire selector switch was quickly suggested, but the truth was much more obvious, even if less emotional, as it was a released feature. Of course, the gun can only be mounted after the bolt is pulled back a little. Therefore, an accidental detachment of the sheath, for example, is absolutely impossible. To lower the weapon you also have to operate a small lever on the left side of the grip, so a manual safety was concocted on several internet forums.

The real new territory for the GLOCK can also be found inside when the pistol is disassembled. While all other pistols of the Austrian manufacturer operate using a Browning-SIG-Petter locking system, the G46 is based on a rotary barrel. However, this has nothing to do with the specifics of the technical requirements. According to GLOCK, this principle has been evaluated for some time as it allows for a low muzzle axis. There were some manufacturers who tried rotary systems in their weapons in the past, such as B&T TSP, Colt All American, Beretta 8000 Cougar or Mauser M2, all of whom have now disappeared from the market. Currently, the Italian Beretta PX-4Storm and Slovak Grand Power K100 can still be found.

Compared to a G19 (left), it's easy to see how low the barrel axis can be with its rotating action.

Although inventor engineer John Moses Browning patented a rotary-action revolver as early as 1897, the Roth-Steyr 1907 was the first revolver with a rotary barrel to be produced in "larger" quantities. You can find a partially preloaded trigger like GLOCKs here too. A rather interesting pistol, it impressively proves what was possible with much more limited production capacity at the time. The Roth-Steyr pistol also inevitably closed the circle back to Austria. Meanwhile, rotary-action pistols are said to be more accurate, as the barrel does not tilt or retract like the Browning-SIG-Petter system, but only rotates. The rotary locking system is said to be subject to heavy wear, especially if the locking surface or corresponding material properties are not well chosen. According to the manufacturer, both the blocking surfaces and the blocking material are optimized. According to GLOCK, certification by the Ulm Proof House revealed that the three pistols, each with the highest 10,000 rounds of ammunition, rotated flawlessly (with only 5 stops in total) and showed no anomalies such as cracks, damage or set measurable. . . .

Glock Downloadable Materials

Anyone shooting the G46 for the first time probably won't be particularly impressed with its trigger quality. A look at the TriggerScan clearly shows that we need about 137.56 oz / 3900 g of pull weight and about 0.59 inches / 15 mm of trigger travel to break the trigger. But unfortunately, this is what the technical requirements indicate, with a trigger resistance of at least 30 N, which corresponds to a trigger pull weight of approximately 104 oz / 2950 g. According to TR, the trigger distance should be between 0.39"-0.59" / 10-15 mm for at least the first shot. It is also worth noting that the trigger reset needs to be at least 0.157 "/ 4mm, as we are now on features. Whether this certainly makes it easier for the user to hit the target or instead makes the pistol safer to use remains to be seen It is a very rhetorical question for manufacturers or users who must take it lightly. As an option, GLOCK also offers the G46 with a trigger pull weight of 88.18 oz / 2.5 kg and shorter trigger travel.

Even though the GLOCK 46 may seem a little more complex, the GLOCK philosophy has taken care to be managed with as few parts as possible. So, Deutsch-Wagram's newest product consists of 37 individual parts and therefore only 3 more than a G19. In the meantime, if you want to go deeper with the G46 and its rotary system, you can take a closer look at the published patent EP 3179193A1. We determined an indentation of 0.014 inches / 0.36 mm for impact impact in a brass compression cylinder through a chamber gauge supplied by the company Triebel with an almost perfectly centered recess. Meanwhile, TR prescribes a minimum value of 0.011 "/ 0.3 mm and a maximum eccentricity of 0.007" / 0.2 mm.

However, the firing pin unit cannot be pulled out completely and therefore is not lost. Of course, this manipulation can only be done with the slide open...

Glock 46 Cal

The size of the G46 is very similar to the G19, so the magazine holds 15 rounds. Thanks to the long dash projection, the dash immediately attracts attention. The highly resistant nDLC coating (Diamond like Carbon), which became standard in the 5th generation, is also available in this service version. The magazine release button is reversible for left-handed users, the slide stop lever can be found on either side, like on the GLOCK Gen5 pistol. The long 3.9”/100mm barrel features the new GLOCK Marksman Barrel (GMB) profile that promises greater accuracy. The arrow, which appeared in its distinctive spear shape until Gen4, is now replaced by a round shape. Our test gun came with fixed iron sights and luminescent dots.

Portland, Or Police Seize 3 Guns, 3 Injured After Multiple Shootings

A view of the cam groove showing the path of the cam action. In addition, the feed ramp is located here, which allows the cartridges to rise only slightly from the magazine.

Remove the firing pin assembly in detail. The current 5th generation can also be found here.

The first contact on the series was made at GLOCK, the birthplace of the G46. After the Deutsch-Wagram invitation, which started with a technical training, we finished in the shooting range at home. Here we were able to shoot the G46 and also the G19 with a lot of RUAG Action 4 ammunition. And indeed, the G46 seemed to act a little calmer when shooting. The extra weight of 0.9oz / 26g compared to the G19 is probably not the reason. It seems that muzzle rotation has a positive effect on shooting behavior. This was followed by an accuracy test at home. As the G46 is undoubtedly a compact pistol, we chose the 15m range with the help of the sandbag support for accuracy testing. This time, they used 7 loads, including 4 factory TR certified cartridges, like pistols. RUAG Action 5 ammunition, with 0.94 inch / 24 mm diameter, 94 g solid bullet, achieved the best average results among two groups of 5 rounds. In the accuracy test, the second row remains in the same range: certified RUAG Action 4 and SeCa cartridge both achieved grouping 1.3 "/ 33mm. This was followed by the relatively light 89g MEN Quick Defense with 1.49 "/ 38mm, which achieved the highest energy value of all cartridges tested with the 511 J. The average of all loads was 1.53 "/ 39 mm. We did not record any malfunctions with G46, even in other dynamic exercises.

GLOCK has probably spared no expense or effort to develop a pistol designed specifically for the unique - and important only in Germany - TR guide. That

Test & Technology: Glock 21 Gen4 Cal.45 Acp Pistol

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Monday, January 9, 2023

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